Using Gamification for a Greener Community

Independent Project (2022)
Designing an end-to-end mobile app that aims to promote sustainability through gamification techniques.
User Icon
Role: UX, UI, Branding
Mobile Icon
Product: Mobile Application

Schedule Pickups

Schedule pickups to recycle uncommon items like batteries, car oil, and old electronics.

Schedule Prototype GIF
Recycle Prototype

Recycle Confidently

View whether an item is recyclable or not based on local recycling program standards.

Rewards & Badges

Earn rewards and badges for completing monthly challenges and recycling goals.

Rewards Prototype GIF


Figma Icon


Maze Icon


Scope & Team

Calendar Icon

80 Hours

One (1)



Recycling can sometimes be confusing, which causes wish-cycling. This is an opportunity to help improve the recycling experience.


An end-to-end mobile app that makes recycling easy through gamification techniques.

UI Design


Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) inspired me to create this project. Waste contributes to the ongoing climate crisis and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. "Wish-cycling" especially can be harmful to the waste management process, causing contamination.

SDG Goal 12SDG 13SDG 14
Light Bulb Icon


“If there are too many different rules, then people will find recycling confusing.”


Recycling in California

I was curious to learn more about the current recycling experience by asking:

  • What do people mainly recycle?

  • How do people recycle?

  • When does recycling get confusing?

I surveyed 25 participants in California about their recent recycling experiences.



recycled within the kitchen space


were likely to recycle on a daily basis


hesitated recycling certain items

Common Confusions

Warning Icon

Contaminated Items (e.g. Foods, Liquids)

Plastic Bottle Icon

Different Plastics or Uncommon Materials

Recycle Symbol

Unclear or No Recycling Labels

An opportunity to help increase recycling confidence

84% of participants were likely to recycle on a daily basis. Yet, 88% of participants expressed feeling uncertain when recycling specific items. This reveals an opportunity to help improve recycling uncertainties.

user interviews

Digging Deeper

Based on these insights, I wanted to learn further why people felt uncertain in the first place. I talked to 4 participants and discovered the following:

Factors impacting recycling habits

Exposure to recycling resources

The more exposure to recycling resources, the better one's comfort was with recycling. Less exposure to recycling resources led to less confidence with recycling.

Situational and environmental context

Recycling may be a higher or lower priority based on the person's current situation. For example when in a rush, one may trash their package instead of recycling it.

user journey + Co-creation

Let's Brainstorm Together

To help brainstorm ideas, I decided to conduct a Co-Creation workshop. I invited 2 participants to be a part of the design process and help gather feedback during the workshop.

Co-Creation Workshop

User journey

Co-Creation WorkshopDuring this workshop, I wanted to better visualize a person’s journey before and after using the kitchen space since 60% of survey participants placed their recycling bins within the kitchen area.

Wand Icon

Observations -> Opportunities

Observation #1: Using Maps

Participants relied on a map to search for the nearest best resources.

Opportunity #1: Nearest Locations

What if we provide local recycling information based on the user's location?

Observation #2: Going Out

Participants felt less excited to use transportation to go out and collect resources.

Opportunity #2: Pickup Services

What if we provide pickup services for users?

Observation #3: Mission Complete

Participants enjoyed finishing their mission at the end.

Opportunity #3: Rewards and Achievements

What if we provide users rewards and recognize their achievements for recycling?

Transforming opportunities into solutions


Minimum Viable Product

I designed these features to help making recycling more accessible, convenient, and easy.


Map Pin Icon

Pickup Services

Recycle Symbol

Recycling Guides

Lightning Icon

Badges & Rewards

usability testing

Putting the Prototype to the Test

Through usability testing, my goals were to assess user navigation and ease.


Three (3)


Eleven (11)


Maze Icon



Recycle Icon

Is it Recyclable?

Truck Icon

Schedule a Pickup

Stars Icon

View Recycling Badge

Usability Metrics

Wand Icon

Success Rate

Warning Icon

Misclick Rate

Hourglass Icon


Participant Quotes

Win #1

"Pretty straightforward. Love the app idea! A very neat way to get more people to recycle and get their questions answered."

Pain Point #1

"I was expecting more of like examples, otherwise I’d be clicking through all of them which takes a lot of time."

Win #2

"I like the badge system, it makes me feel accomplished. Especially since I can show it on social media."

Pain Point #2

"I didn’t know what the symbols mean so I wasn’t sure where to look."

Win #3

"I like how since the app is simple, it’s easy for older people to navigate through it."

Pain Point #3

"Since I didn’t have an egg carton in front of me, I would have googled what type of number the egg carton would be in."

While browsing, people preferred seeing visual pictures of items instead of recycling symbols.

Iterations 2

Recycling ScreensUsers were not familiar with the plastic material numbering and abbreviations. Thus, images of items replaced these symbols to improve user familiarity and recognition.

Iterations 1

Home ScreensThe new iteration rearranges the content hierarchy and includes a search bar and map.


Green and Sustainable

The branding involves earth tones and nature to represent being green and sustainable.

UI Mockups


Impacts & Reflections

I've learned that waste management can be very complex. Through research and co-creation, we can yet create valuable insights together. I hope others can grab inspiration from this and seek out creative ways to be more sustainable. Gamification is one technique, with many more ideas left to explore.

Improved app usability by 10%

Implementing the new design changes increased the app’s usability by 10%.

If I had more time:

  • I would have explored AR technology to help identify whether an item is recyclable or not.

  • I would have conducted more than one Co-Creation workshop to gather a larger pool of data.

What I learned:

  • Involving users during the ideation and design process can provide creative insights.

  • Visualizing information through pictures or visual aids helps increase human perception and understanding.

other work